We’re 100% focused on enabling you with the best carbon calculation and reporting capabilities in the business. We’re not an ESG platform. This is a deliberate choice because we believe it’s going to be key to deliver emissions data with unprecedented precision and with the highest level of confidence and trust. With our platform we make it effortless to integrate our carbon data into your broader ESG reporting.

Audit-ready carbon accounting

Climax is 100% compliant with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials frameworks. We make it effortless to get a full Scope 1, 2 &, 3 inventory. Our platform is build from the ground up to support all calculation method across every calculation type. This gives you the ability to do calculations for scenarios with either very granular or very broad data sets.

Complete carbon clarity

Climax' CO2 ledger enables users to pass the toughest audit and assurance processes. Whether you’re reporting to investors or regulators, get full audit-trail and data lineage across all calculations, formulas, (source) data, and emission factors used. We’ve build our platform with accuracy and transparency at the core. We call this Complete Carbon Clarity.

Managed emission factors & secondary data

You only share your activity data and Climax does the rest. All of the leading global Emission Factor sets from agencies like the IPCC, IEA, EPA, and DEFRA are automatically maintained within the platform. As new sources become available, they will be added to our platform. Other data necessary for calculations like flight routes, transport routes, office reachability indexes or sector-based EIO is included as well. No need to maintain dozens of data sources.

Sustainability reporting & disclosures

For footprint disclosures, every major sustainability reporting framework, including TCFD, SASB, and GRI, uses Greenhouse Gas Protocol compliant carbon accounting. Climax allows you to smoothly incorporate your carbon accounting data into your sustainability reporting procedures. With features that make assembling TCFD and SASB a breeze, you can focus on what matters most.

See our Carbon Software in Action

We’re excited to show you how Climax makes carbon management & accounting easy.