Reporting on your company's carbon footprint is no longer optional. As a public company or a private equity owned company, carbon disclosure is a mission-critical compliance activity. In other words, it is already part of your license to operate.
Financial-data quality disclosures
Why are your investors requesting a carbon footprint report from you? Because they inherit 'financed emissions' onto their own carbon footprint ledger as a result of their financial exposure to your company. Due to the nature of capital flows alone, disclosure demands are expected to increase in volume and significance for years to come. Climax makes disclosures simple and relevant in real time.
Audit ready 24/7
It's not enough to just record your carbon impact. Investors, and soon regulators, are looking for more than just a report; they're searching for reliable facts. Climax works in the same way as a financial system reducing the time and resources needed to execute assurance and audit procedures on your calculations and reporting.
Drastically reduce carbon accounting costs
Carbon accounting and reporting are often performed by consultants who overcharge on a yearly basis to execute tedious, spreadsheet-based operations. It costs corporations not just money, but also a significant amount of time to complete. Climax cuts the time and expense of carbon accounting and reporting at least in half, frequently for less than a tenth of the cost of a consult-only strategy.
Lower your cost of capital
By utilising instruments such as sustainability-linked bonds and striving toward inclusion in ESG indexes, the most forward-thinking CFOs are allowing their firms to access finance at record lows. Climax gives you the data and reports you need to take advantage of green and ESG-linked finance products on a large scale.
See our Carbon Software in Action
We’re excited to show you how Climax makes carbon management & accounting easy.