Quickly understand the path your organisation or portfolio requires to adhere to the 1.5C or 2C scenarios set out by the Paris Agreement following the Science-Based Targets Initiative’s (SBTi) Temperature Scoring Method.

Achieve Net-Zero

Following the Paris Agreement Warming Trajectory scenarios is critical for your organisation’s target setting and disclosure requirements. By incorporating the open-source CDP-WWF temperature rating methodology, Climax enables users to quickly understand the target year to achieve net-zero under every scenario for individual business units, companies as well as across investment portfolios.

Built for financial and corporate use-cases

Climax uses a three step methodology for modeling across all use-cases: a target protocol, which converts individual emissions targets to temperatures; a company protocol, which aggregates these targets into an overall company score; and a portfolio protocol, which weights these company scores across an investment portfolio.

100% Alignment to IPCC

To convert individual emissions targets into temperatures, the target protocol uses the best available scientific climate scenarios from the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C scenario database. It generates simple regression models for estimated warming in 2100 from climate scenarios with short, medium, and long-term trends in absolute emissions or emissions intensities.

See our Carbon Software in Action

We’re excited to show you how Climax makes carbon management & accounting easy.